
Tell Me, Sir – a poem for South African womxn

I stand among a group so strong

My feet lie grounded, my arms hang long

My head is bowed to those who speak

My mouth stays silent and I feel weak

What level of fury, what measure of might

Would make these people see the light?

How many of us does it have to be?

Tell us, sir, when can we be free?


I’m sharing, I’m talking, I want this to change

What can I do if I only cry with rage?

I want to shake you by the shoulders, scream “open your eyes!”

A man did this. That is the truth that here lies.

Living life in fear is plain barren and thin

Tell us, sir, did you see that slight grin?


What a tyrant, what a mess

Should I expect anything less?

“Be safe, stay vigilant” as if we’re ever not

We were raised to identify threats by the lot

I’ll share my location and send love to my friends

Lest we fear how our days will end

You know, and I know, it’s so much more than a “home safe” text

Tell me. Just tell me, sir, am I next?

