This and That

Inktober in review

After a few years of admiring artists’ Inktober drawings from a distance, I decided to attempt it myself! It was a challenge and I didn’t manage to draw for all 31 days, but I sure did try (and what is 3 or 4 days out of a month – nothing!).

As an amateur artiste, I don’t have much of a distinguished style but I really enjoyed stretching my creativity and imagination with the daily themes and trying my best to stick to them. After seeing some incredible pen sketches from artists on Instagram, I quickly decided that I wanted to improve on my cross-hatching throughout the month. @augustlamm, in particular, is an absolute BEAST at it.

It was a long and busy month, and I inevitably was not a fan of a lot of the Inktober drawings I did, so I thought I’d just select a few of my favourites to show you.


Day 5: Build

Fun fact: I hate drawing people and love drawing buildings! The angles are way off and every line is far from perfect, but I just love it. Aren’t those shutters just delightful?

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Day 11: Snow

As you may be able to tell, I forgot to draw the ‘snow’ part of the ‘snow-capped mountains’ until the last minute.

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Day 26: Dark

I very rarely draw animals so I’m particularly proud of the little kitty cat drawing. Here she is basking in the sun.

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Day 24: Dizzy

I really had no clue what to draw for this theme. After Googling everything from starry eyes to Tweety birds, I finally settled on this galactic sketch. In the end, it turned out to be one of my favourites.

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Day 23: Ancient

I got a new Pigma Micron pen earlier this day and was super excited to use it. The final sketch isn’t perfect but I’m happy!

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Day 16: Wild

A good friend of mine gave me some Faber Castell pens that she wasn’t using and I declared that my mission that day, once I returned from work, was to use these pens – and use them I did!

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Day 30: Catch

I present, my rendition of a salmon. Glossy-eyed, frilly-finned, and slippery-skinned, this beauty was a treat to draw.

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As you can see, I stuck mostly to fine-liner drawings without much use of colour. This is largely due to the fact that I was drawing these between coming home from work and before the last bit of natural light left the house. Overall, I’m pretty happy with my efforts and I look forward to using this new-found creative confidence to hone my skills.

If you’d like to see more of my Inktober posts and other drawings, you can check out my art Instagram page @raeesaisartsy


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